Printable Information and Activities

12 Bookmarks for MHAH Book Club

Adult Self-care Diaphragmatic Breathing

Adult Self-care: Diaphragmatic Breathing

Busy Bees Bookmarks

Calming Jars

Check-in Bug

Compassion Fatigue: Individual Symptoms

Compassion Fatigue: Organizational Symptoms

Connections Deck

COVID-19 and Your Mental Health Infographic

COVID-19 Coping Tips

Connecting With Others

Creating Healthy Routines

Crisis Resources

Dealing with Potential Exposure: The Stress of Physically Reopening Schools

Emotion Scale: 3 Tier

Emotion Scale: 5 Tier

Finding The Positive After Loss

Keiki Coloring Sheet

Keiki Self-care Bingo

Keiki Self-care: Diaphragmatic Breathing

Know the Signs: Recognizing Mental Health Concerns in Kids and Teens

Mindfulness Bingo

Owning Your Feelings

Safety Rex Coloring Page

Sensory Garden

Summer Reading List

Supporting Others

Teachers: Protecting Your Mental Health

Tips for Managing Re-entry Anxiety

Tools for an Emotional Toolbox

Tools for an Emotional Toolbox

Keiki coloring pages/activity with instructions

Weekly Habit Tracker

If you are wanting to make a change in your life, tracking your progress every day can be a helpful tool. Use our free habit tracker for your lifestyle changes.

Wellness Worksheet

Activity worksheet helps practice mindfulness, gratitude and reflection.

What Can I Do When I’m Afraid